The Wehrmann Group is an economic group formed by three agricultural companies in Cristalina, State of Goiás, Brazil. The first company is Dois Marcos Sementes Ltda., a soybeans and maize seed company. The second company is Agrícola Wehrmann Ltda., an agriculture company, which produces potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots and beets. The last company is Inova Genética Ltda., a research company working in soybeans and maize breeding.
The group activities initiated in Toledo, State of Paraná, in 1973, by Francisco Germano Wehrmann, which, in 1978 founded Agrícola Wehrmann Ltda, a soybeans and wheat seed industry. The company, then, started to sell seeds with the Dois Marcos brand. In 1980 the company initiated a joint venture of soybean breeding. In 1983 seed production began in Cristalina, State of Goiás. In 1997 the company released the first soybean cultivars of its own research program. That research program was sold to Pioneer S.A. in 1999.
In 2004 the Wehrmann Group founded the research company Wehrtec Ltda. In 2010 Wehrtec released its first soybean cultivars. In 2013 Wehrtec was sold to the Bayer Group.
In 2016 the Wehrmann Group founded another research company, called Inova Genética Ltda. In 2020 Inova released its first maize hybrids and, in 2021, the company released its first soybean cultivars.
Beginning 2021, Dois Marcos Sementes Ltda. is licenced to produce seeds from Inova maize hybrids and soybean cultivars.